Intimidation and mistreatment in students of basic education from Chiapas and Veracruz, Mexico


  • Germán Alejandro García Lara
  • Jesús Ocaña Zúñiga
  • Enrique Gutiérrez Espinosa
  • Francisco Bermúdez Jiménez


Basic education, Intimidation, Mistreatment, Harassment, Peer relationships.


The study analyzes the intimidation and mistreatment manifestations as the result of the application of a questionnaire to 3,930 primary and secondary students from Chiapas and Veracruz, México. The data indicate that the most recurrent type of mistreatment are verbal and physical; being the classroom with more frequency of intimidation situations; 30.9 % are victimized and 4.5 % suffers systematic aggressions; 25 % referred sometimes had bullied and 2.7 % has been doing it systematically. The results point out the need to attend this phenomenon in the school centers.




How to Cite

García Lara, G. A. ., Ocaña Zúñiga, J. ., Gutiérrez Espinosa, E. ., & Bermúdez Jiménez, F. . (2017). Intimidation and mistreatment in students of basic education from Chiapas and Veracruz, Mexico. Atenas, 4(40), 1–16. Retrieved from