Teaching model of care for students with educational needs not associated with deficiency


  • Silvia Leonor García Parrales


educational needs not associated with disability, didactic models, inclusive education


The objective of this study was to verify the relevance of the didactic model to serve students with special educational needs not associated with disability in an educational institution in Valencia, Ecuador. The methodology used is part of the mixed approach, framed within applied research, since it aims to solve a problem in real life. In the same way, theoretical level methods such as analysis-synthesis and structural systemic were used for the conceptual interpretation of the data and information found and for the elaboration of the model, and empirical level methods, such as: the interview and the questionnaire, to Through them, the main results related to the relevance of the didactic model for the attention to the student with special educational needs not associated with disability are described, revealing its impact evidenced in the low level of knowledge and didactic preparation of the teacher to attend to this type of educating.




How to Cite

García Parrales, S. L. . (2022). Teaching model of care for students with educational needs not associated with deficiency . Atenas, 4(60), 75–89. Retrieved from https://antivirus.umcc.cu/index.php/atenas/article/view/277