The Spanish chronicles of José Martí or the discourse of modernity for the metropolis from the colony


  • Pedro Pablo Rodríguez


José Martí, modernity, liberating thought, decolonization.


The text is written with the purpose of analyzing the thought of José Martí in relation to the entry of Spain into modernity in the European context. The position assumed by the figure under study before the Spanish situation, in its social, political and cultural life on the basis of the review of 22 chronicles written between 1881 and 1882, which address the Spanish problem, is subjected to critical review. José Martí's anti-colonial position is underlined while he welcomed the transit to the progress and development of the Spanish people.


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How to Cite

Pablo Rodríguez, P. . (2020). The Spanish chronicles of José Martí or the discourse of modernity for the metropolis from the colony. Atenas, 2(50), 116–131. Retrieved from