Ability to argue decision making to solve problems. Didactic strategy to develop it from Topography


  • Manuel Pedroso Martínez
  • María de Lourdes Artola Pimentel


Civil Engineering, ability arguing, solving problems, didactic strategy.


The work presents the structure and foundation of the didactic strategy developed from the results obtained in the diagnosis that indicate the need for it, with the aim of transforming the current state of development of the ability to argue decision-making for solve problems from topography. The stages of the didactic strategy with the specific objectives and actions of the teacher and the student are described, as well as the planning of the teaching-learning process of Topography and the evaluation of the didactic strategy proposed. The results of the theoretical validation are presented using the expert criteria method, in addition to its application and implementation in the Civil Engineering degree.


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How to Cite

Pedroso Martínez, M. ., & Artola Pimentel, M. de L. . (2021). Ability to argue decision making to solve problems. Didactic strategy to develop it from Topography. Atenas, 1(53), 87–102. Retrieved from https://antivirus.umcc.cu/index.php/atenas/article/view/89